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Posted On: June 15, 2024

Posted By: KSNM DRIP

drip irrigation system for mango trees


Mango trees, scientifically known as Mangifera indica, grace warm regions worldwide with their tropical evergreen presence. These majestic trees, reaching up to 30 meters tall, bear sweet mangoes, cherished for their varying sizes, shapes, and colours. Thriving in tropical climates with ample sunlight and well-drained soil, mango trees offer more than just fruit. They provide shade, ornamental beauty, and cultural significance, making them an integral part of communities, particularly in India.

Mango Trees

The mango tree, scientifically Mangifera indica, is a tropical evergreen native to South Asia but grown in warm regions worldwide. It reaches 30 meters tall with shiny, dark green leaves. Fragrant, small white flowers develop into sweet mangoes. Mangoes vary in size, shape, and colour. They grow well in tropical climates with sunlight and well-drained soil. They are valued for fruit, shade, beauty, and cultural significance in India.

India stands out as a leading exporter of fresh mangoes globally. In the year 2022-23, the nation exported 22,963.76 metric tons of fresh mangoes, fetching a value of Rs. 378.49 crores or 48.53 million USD.

Important Varieties of Mango In India

Thousands of mango varieties are cultivated worldwide, each with its unique flavour, texture, and appearance. Some popular varieties of mango in India are,


Bombay Green, Chausa, Dashehari and Langra

Tamil Nadu

Alphonso, Totapuri, Banganapalli and Neelum

Uttar Pradesh

Bombay Green, Chausa, Dashehari and Langra

West Bengal

Fazli, Gulabkhas, Himsagar, Kishenbhog, Langra and Bombay Green

Andhra Pradesh

Banganapalli, Suvarnarekha, Neelum and Totapuri


Alphonso, Kesar and Pairi


Chausa, Dashehari and Malda


Kesar, Alphonso, Rajapuri, Jamadar, Totapuri, Neelum, Dashehari and Langra


Chausa, Dashehari, Langra and Fazli

Himachal Pradesh

Chausa, Dashehari and Langra


Bombay Green, Chausa, Dashehari, Fazli, Gulabkhas, Kishen Bhog, Himsagar, Zardalu and Langra


Alphonso, Totapuri, Banganapalli, Pairi, Neelum and Mulgoa

Madhya Pradesh

Alphonso, Bombay Green, Dashehari, Fazli, Langra and Neelum

What Are The Uses of Mango Tree?

Mango trees come with a lot of advantages by giving back what it gets back to the people and the planet. Here are some of the uses of a mango tree.

  • One of the coolest things about mango trees is how they give us shade on hot, sunny days. Their big, leafy canopy can keep you nice and cool when you're chilling outside.

  • Ornamental Beauty: Mango trees aren't just practical – they're pretty too! With their shiny green leaves and sometimes colourful fruit, they can jazz up a garden or park.

  • In many places, mango trees are super important culturally. They're part of festivals, ceremonies, and even stories passed down through generations. They bring people together and add meaning to celebrations.

  • The wood from mango trees is sometimes used for making furniture, cabinets, or even musical instruments. It's strong and durable, making it great for crafting all sorts of things.

  • Some parts of the mango tree, like the leaves, bark, and sap, have been used in traditional medicine for treating various ailments. While more research is needed, some people swear by their healing properties.

  • Mango trees can also be a source of income for people. Farmers grow them to sell the fruit, and sometimes even the leaves or bark can be used to make products that are sold for profit.

Is Drip Irrigation Good For Mango Orchards?

Yes, drip irrigation can be highly beneficial for mango orchards. Drip irrigation offers several advantages for mango orchards contributing to healthier, higher yields, and more sustainable orchard management practices. You just need to plan your irrigation process in accordance with the type of soil and the climatic condition of the area where mango trees us grown.

How To Use a Drip Irrigation System For Watering Mango Trees?

The drip irrigation system helps in effectively providing water directly to the roots of the mango tree. Here is a simple procedure you can follow to get a drip irrigation system in your mango orchard.

  • Before installing the drip irrigation system, plan the layout of the system in your mango orchard. Determine the spacing and placement of drip lines or emitters based on the size and spacing of your trees.

  • Begin by installing the mainline, the pipe that delivers water from the water source to the irrigation zone. The main line should be buried underground or placed above the ground, depending on your preference and local regulations.

  • Connect the sub-main pipes to the mainline to distribute water within each irrigation zone. The sub-main pipes should be laid out along the rows of mango trees, with branches extending to each tree.

  • Attach drip lines or emitters to the sub-main pipes, positioning them near the base of each mango tree. Drip lines are flexible tubes with evenly spaced emitters, while emitters are individual devices that release water directly to the root zone of the tree.

  •  Adjust the flow rate of the drip irrigation system to ensure that each mango tree receives the appropriate amount of water. This can be done by adjusting the pressure regulator or flow control valves on the system.

  • Regularly monitor the drip irrigation system to ensure proper functioning and maintenance. Check for clogged emitters, leaks, or damaged pipes, and make any necessary repairs or adjustments promptly.

  • Determine the irrigation schedule based on factors such as weather conditions, soil moisture levels, and the water needs of the mango trees. Generally, it's best to water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth and minimize water loss through evaporation.

  • If desired, integrate fertigation into your drip irrigation system to simultaneously apply water and nutrients to the mango trees. This can help optimize nutrient uptake and promote healthy growth and fruit production.

Below are the different layouts in which you can plant your mango plants so that they can get the necessary nutrients required for their growth.

Fertigation With Drip Irrigation For Mango Trees

Fertigation with drip irrigation is a method used to efficiently deliver fertilizers to mango trees. In this technique, fertilizers are dissolved in water and applied directly to the root zone of the trees through the drip irrigation system. The simple procedures followed during the fertigation process of drip irrigation in mango trees are as follows,

  • The drip irrigation system consists of a network of tubes with emitters that deliver water directly to the base of each mango tree. It ensures precise water delivery, minimizing wastage and maximizing efficiency.

  • A fertilizer injector is connected to the drip irrigation system. This device allows for the controlled release of fertilizers into the irrigation water.

  • Fertilizers used for fertigation are usually in a water-soluble form. These fertilizers dissolve easily in water and are readily absorbed by the mango tree roots.

  • Fertigation allows for regular and precise application of fertilizers throughout the growing season. This ensures that the mango trees receive a consistent supply of nutrients for optimal growth and fruit production.

  • By adjusting the concentration and timing of fertilizer applications, growers can tailor the nutrient delivery to meet the specific needs of their mango trees at different stages of growth.

Here is how much fertilizers you should use on your mango tree,

For Young Non- Fruit Bearing Trees

Age of trees (years)









Poly-Feed Drip 20-20-20






Poly-Feed Drip 20-20-20






Poly-Feed Drip





For Mature Fruit Bearing Trees












What Are The Advantages of Using Drip Irrigation In Mango Cultivation?

Changing to drip irrigation from flood irrigation gives you a lot of advantages. Once you have also changed to a drip irrigation system for your mango orchard, here are the advantages you can enjoy,

  • Drip irrigation can significantly reduce water usage compared to traditional irrigation methods. Studies have shown that drip irrigation can reduce water consumption in mango orchards by up to 50% while maintaining or even increasing fruit yield.

  • Research indicates that mango trees irrigated with drip systems tend to produce higher yields compared to those irrigated using other methods. One study found that mango trees under drip irrigation yielded 20-30% more fruit than those under flood irrigation. 

  • Allows precise application of water and fertilizers directly to the root zone of mango trees. This targeted delivery enhances nutrient uptake efficiency and reduces nutrient leaching, leading to better growth and fruit quality.

  • Minimizes moisture on the soil surface, reducing weed germination and growth. Studies have shown that weed biomass in mango orchards irrigated with drip systems can be significantly lower compared to orchards irrigated by other methods.

  • Requires less labour for operation and maintenance compared to traditional irrigation methods. A study conducted in mango orchards in India reported a 25-30% reduction in labour costs associated with irrigation after switching to drip systems. 


Incorporating drip irrigation into mango orchards offers a sustainable solution, enhancing water efficiency, yield, and nutrient management. The precise delivery of water and fertilizers directly to the root zone optimizes growth and minimizes weed growth, all while reducing labour and costs. By embracing modern techniques while honouring traditional values, mango cultivation can thrive, ensuring a bountiful harvest for generations to come.

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