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Posted On: December 18, 2023

Posted By: KSNM DRIP

Drip Irrigation vs Flood Irrigation


Providing the right type of irrigation methods for farmlands is crucial for crops to grow without any difficulties. The type of soil and the crop determines the type of irrigation method suited for the best agriculture practice. Here we will be seeing the deep differences between drip irrigation and flood irrigation, which have their advantages and disadvantages. This article will help you in choosing the best irrigation method for your agricultural land.

What are the Types of Irrigation Methods Used in Agriculture?

Concerning the type of soil and the crop that a farmer grows, he can consider the best type of irrigation system for it. Here are the different types of irrigation methods that can be used in farmlands to provide the best growth conditions for the crops,

  • Flood Irrigation

  • Drip Irrigation

  • Spray Irrigation

  • Sprinkler Irrigation

  • Subsurface Irrigation

  • Capillary Irrigation

What is Drip Irrigation?

Drip irrigation is the process of providing the necessary amount of water required to a plant in droplets through a dripper. In this process the water is sent directly to the roots of the crops, helping them to get the necessary nutrients effectively. Using this method has proved to be more water-conserving than other irrigation methods and is more suitable for most crops. 

What is Flood Irrigation?

Flood irrigation is the process of providing a very large amount of water to the crops by flooding the agricultural land. Gravity and the layout of the farmland play a major role in how well the water is distributed through the flood irrigation process. Even though it seems to cause more water loss, actually it is more environmentally friendly than other irrigation methods. The majority of the farmers in South India use flood irrigation methods to 

What is the Difference Between Drip Irrigation and Flood Irrigation?

Every farmland and the crop that’s grown there needs to have the best type of water irrigation best suited for them. Drip irrigation and flood irrigation are some of the best-practiced irrigation systems today, and here are some differences between them for you to choose the best.

Drip Irrigation

Flood Irrigation

Minimizes water wastage due to evaporation and runoff by providing water to the plants directly to their root zone.

Results in water loss due to evaporation. It takes more time for water to seep into the ground.

The precise amount of water is delivered to every plant which promotes uniform growth.

Water is not distributed uniformly, some plants get more water and some get less.

Due to water being delivered directly to the plant's roots, the land has less moisture, reducing weed growth.

This irrigation method provides more moisture to land leading to higher growth of weeds.

Fertilizers can be applied precisely through drip irrigation systems to send the necessary nutrients directly to the plants.

You need to manually provide fertilizers to the plants, which cannot be uniform and leads to an uneven nutrition supply.

You can use a drip irrigation system on any terrain 

It can be used on only a certain type of terrain.

The initial cost for the setup of a drip irrigation system is higher.

The equipment needed for flood irrigation is simple and less expensive.

Due to sediments in the water drip irrigation systems can experience clogs.

Your land can experience soil erosion but in a controlled environment.

You can adjust the drip irrigation system to be suitable for the crops you are growing.

Flood irrigation is not suitable for all types of crops.

Do a proper layout design and maintain the drip irrigation system for better longevity.

Flood irrigation doesn't need any maintenance.

Which is best Drip Irrigation or Flood Irrigation?

Even though flood irrigation has some advantages over drip irrigation systems, due to upcoming water scarcity, Drip irrigation seems to be the best method. If you think that you need to provide more water to your crops you can go for other conventional irrigation methods like spray irrigation and more. 

Is Drip Irrigation the Best Water Saving Method?

Drip Irrigation can save 95 - 100% of water used for your irrigation purposes. When compared with other modern irrigation methods like sprinkler systems (80 - 85%), and traditional irrigation methods like flood irrigation (60 - 70%), drip irrigation saves more water. The efficiency of the drip irrigation system can improve the crop's growth and eventually provide a good quality of yield. 

What is Drip Irrigation Suitable For?

The drip irrigation system is best suited for vegetables, trees, and vine crops. Mostly high-value crops are suggested to have drip irrigation systems. If you are worried about your terrain being not uniform, worry not. You can install a drip irrigation system in a way that the drippers face toward your plant and easily provide the necessary water and nutrients needed. With your soil type, just adjust the dripper discharge rate to make it suitable for a better water supply. 

When is Flood Irrigation Better than Drip Irrigation?

Flood irrigation may be preferred over drip irrigation in certain situations. For crops like rice, flooding is essential for better growth. You can consider flood irrigation for fields with uniform soil composition. If you want to be cost-efficient with your irrigation methods, then flood irrigation is the best method for you. With factors like the type of soil, and the crop you want to grow, you can easily determine the best irrigation method for your farmland.


Every irrigation is good irrigation but some have flaws that are compensated by others. In drip irrigation vs flood irrigation, you can see that both are different and you can choose the right irrigation methods concerning your needs. However, due to water scarcity, it is better to avoid flood irrigation and move towards a more conventional type of irrigation method.

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