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Posted On: August 31, 2024

Posted By: KSNM DRIP

Drip irrigation problems and solutions


Do you have problems in your drip irrigation system that need expert solutions? Then you have come to the right place, here are some of the common problems faced by irrigation system users and the solutions that followed to solve them. Hope the solution discussed here will solve your drip irrigation problem and improve your crop quality. 

Are There Any Problems in Drip Irrigation?

Drip irrigation systems are made with utmost precision and state-of-the-art technologies, but that does not mean that there will be no problems. The problem that arises while using a drip irrigation system is due to a lot of external factors. As long as these affecting factors are taken care of there will be no problem with to drip irrigation system.

Common Drip Irrigation Problems and Solutions

If you are a drip irrigation user, you might have faced several problems due to various factors. Some might be solved easily but some cannot be, and so here are some of the common problems and their solutions for you. Make sure that you follow these and make your drip irrigation system last for a very long time. 

Dripper Clogging

Whenever there is an unwanted particle in the drip irrigation system clogging occurs at the drippper. This will cause less water to be displaced to the target plant or crop or sometimes stop completely. It also affects the pressure of water released from the drippers, which may cause damage to delicate parts of a plant.

One solution is that you can just give a tap to the dripper and the clog unlocks, but that is not always the case.  You may need to physically deal with the clog by removing the particle that caused it and must do it without affecting the dripper. If the dripper is a replaceable one, quickly replace it and don’t stop the irrigation process. But if it’s an embedded one, you have to clear the clog carefully and might as well get help from an expert to avoid any mishaps. 

Leaks and Breaks

Leakages on the hoses and the breakage of emitters on a drip irrigation system lead to water wastage. This problem might not be much at first but over time you can see that the loss occurred to be on a larger scale.

To be sure that this does not happen, you must check your irrigation system for leaks and breaks at all times or at least at regular intervals. If it’s a new drip irrigation system there will never be this problem, but for a drip tube that has been used for a very long time, you need to keep an eye at all times. You can easily fix the leaks and breaks by just taping them for a temporary solution and replacing them with a permanent solution.

Pressure Issues

Drip irrigation tubes are used to cover a large area of farmland, but the pressure of water is not the same at all points. This leads to a non-uniform water supply and makes crops provide bad yields. 

One better way to avoid this problem is to use pressure regulators that make uniform pressure at every part of the irrigation system. You can move a step further and use pressure sensors to control pressure according to your needs. If you are operating in a small to medium field, use overhead tanks to provide optimal pressure to reach every part of the field with a drip irrigation system.

Salt Accumulation

Every water used in agriculture has some salt and over time it accumulates in the drip tube or in the dripper to cause clogs and sometimes make the system unusable. The amount of salt accumulated cannot be predicted without the system getting destroyed by it.

One way to solve this issue without going to the part of replacing your drip tubes completely will be to use solvents that dissolve the salts. To start with it, you must first find the amount of salt present in the water that you use for irrigation. Using the info, you can choose the right solvents to clean your irrigation system from salt accumulation at regular intervals. It is always recommended to change your irrigation tube after 3-4 years if you have high salt values in your irrigation water.

Wear and Tear

If you have your irrigation tube on the ground, it’s more likely for it to have a high amount of wear and tear. From time to time you can see the system failing due to the extreme conditions causing it to leak and break. 

Even though placing your irrigation papers on the ground leads to a lifespan of 3-4 years, it needs to be extended as it can work for about 5-10 years. One way is to partially submerge the irrigation tube into to soil to avoid UV radiation and other external factors. Another way is to spend more on buying sturdy irrigation tubes with layers of protection, but they will not be as flexible and used as other drip tubes. So, consider the lifetime of a drip tube at extreme conditions and replace it at the right time.


With this basic problem and their solutions for your drip irrigation system, you can make the most out of it for at least 5 years. Before buying a drip irrigation system, get into a conversation with an expert in the field and get insights to make sure that the problems do not arise. And even if they do, it must be easily solved in no time. So, keep your drip irrigation system safe with the solutions here and improve your crop yield. 

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