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Posted On: February 07, 2024

Posted By: KSNM DRIP

What Is A Green House Drip Irrigation System? | KSNM Drip


A greenhouse is a structure designed to provide an optimal environment for plants to grow and thrive. One important aspect of greenhouse gardening is irrigation, which refers to the process of providing water to plants. There are various irrigation methods available, and one popular option is a drip irrigation system. Let’s explore what a greenhouse drip irrigation system is, its benefits, and how to build one.

What Is A Green House?

A greenhouse is like a special house for plants. It has clear walls and a roof that lets sunlight in. This sunlight warms the inside, creating a cozy space for plants to grow. Greenhouses help plants stay safe from extreme weather and provide a perfect environment for them to grow.

What Is A Green House Drip Irrigation System?

A greenhouse drip irrigation system is a method of watering plants in a greenhouse by delivering water directly to the roots of the plants through a network of tubes and emitters. Unlike traditional irrigation methods, such as flood irrigation or overhead sprinklers, drip irrigation is a more precise and efficient way to provide water to plants.

The system consists of three main components: a water source, a network of tubes, and emitters. The water source can be connected to a tap or a water storage tank. The tubes, from KSNM Drip, made of virgin polymer, are laid out along the rows of plants and connected to the water source. The emitters, which can be drippers or micro-sprinklers, are attached to the tubes and deliver water directly to the plant's root zones.

What Are The Benefits Of A Green House?

Before diving into the specifics of a greenhouse drip irrigation system, it's important to understand the benefits of using a greenhouse for plant cultivation. Greenhouses offer several advantages over traditional open-field gardening, such as

  • A greenhouse provides a controlled environment, allowing you to grow plants all year round, regardless of the weather conditions outside. This is particularly beneficial in areas with short growing seasons or harsh climates.

  • It creates a physical barrier between your plants and external pests and diseases. This reduces the risk of infestations and allows for better control of plant health.

  • With a greenhouse, you have more control over factors like temperature, humidity, and light, which can result in higher crop yields and improved quality. You can create optimal growing conditions for specific plant varieties.

  • It creates a controlled environment, reducing water loss through evaporation. This makes them more water-efficient compared to open-field cultivation.

  • Greenhouses come in various sizes and designs, allowing you to adapt them to your specific needs. You can grow a wide range of plants, from flowers to vegetables, and even exotic or delicate species that may not thrive in your region's natural climate.

Why Should I Use Drip Irrigation In A Green House?

Drip irrigation in greenhouses offers precise water delivery to plant roots, ensuring optimal moisture levels and conserving water. This automated system minimizes labor, prevents weed growth, and reduces the risk of diseases. It is a smart choice for resource efficiency, promoting healthy plant development and overall productivity. Here are some reasons for you to have a KSNM Drip irrigation system in your greenhouse.

Water efficiency

Drip irrigation is highly efficient because it delivers water directly to the root zones of plants, minimizing water loss due to evaporation or runoff. This targeted approach can reduce water usage by up to 70% compared to traditional irrigation methods like flood or sprinkler systems.

Precise control

Drip irrigation allows for precise control over the amount of water delivered to each plant. This is especially important in a greenhouse, where different plants may have varying water requirements. You can easily adjust the flow rate and duration of watering for each plant or section of the greenhouse.

Reduced risk of diseases

By delivering water directly to the roots, drip irrigation helps keep the foliage dry, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. This is particularly beneficial in a greenhouse, where high humidity levels can promote the growth of pathogens.

Nutrient delivery

Drip irrigation systems can be designed to include fertilizers or nutrients, which can be added directly to the water supply. This ensures that plants receive a consistent and controlled supply of essential nutrients.

Weed control

 Drip irrigation delivers water only to the desired plants, minimizing water availability for weeds. This can help reduce weed growth and the need for manual weeding.

Time and labor savings

 Once a drip irrigation system is properly installed, it requires minimal maintenance and can be easily automated using timers or controllers. This saves time and reduces the need for manual watering, allowing you to focus on other gardening tasks.

How To Build A Greenhouse Drip Irrigation System?

Is this your first time building a greenhouse drip irrigation system? Then the steps provided here will be helpful for you to create the best irrigation system for your greenhouse.

  • Before designing your irrigation system, consider the layout and size of your greenhouse. Take into account the types of plants you will be growing and their water requirements.

  • Identify the water source for your greenhouse, which can be a tap or a water storage tank. Ensure that the water pressure is sufficient for the drip system to function properly.

  • Map out the location of your plants and design the layout of the irrigation system accordingly. Consider factors such as the spacing between plants, the slope of the greenhouse floor, and the location of the water source.

  • Select the appropriate tubing, emitters, and connectors for your greenhouse. Consider the size and type of plants, as well as the water flow and pressure requirements. Opt for high-quality materials that are durable and resistant to clogging.

  • Lay out the tubing along the rows of plants, making sure to secure it in place using stakes or clips. Connect the tubing to the water source and ensure a tight and leak-free connection.

  • Attach the emitters to the tubing at the desired spacing, taking into account the water requirements of each plant. Drippers can be inserted directly into the soil near the plants, while micro-sprinklers can be mounted above the plants.

  • Once the system is installed, test it to ensure proper water flow and coverage. Make any necessary adjustments to the flow rate or emitter placement to achieve optimal watering.

  • Consider adding timers or controllers to automate the watering process. This allows you to set specific watering schedules and ensure consistent and efficient irrigation.


A greenhouse drip irrigation system is a highly efficient and precise method of watering plants in a greenhouse. It offers numerous benefits, including water efficiency, precise control, reduced risk of disease, and time savings. By following the steps outlined above, you can build your greenhouse drip irrigation system and enjoy the advantages it brings to your greenhouse gardening to a whole new level.

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